Benefits of daikin air source heat pumps

Daikin air source heat pumps are air source heat pumps that have been designed and manufactured by the JAPANESE company, Daikin Industries. They are highly efficient heating and cooling machines with a good insulation ability. These air source heat pumps are gaining popularity in different parts of the world for their excellent service life, low noise level during operation, spillover control capability and high efficiency. This article aims at giving an insight into these heat pumps which is one of the best kept secrets in today’s market.

Benefits of daikin air source heat pumps

1.Noise control

since the heat pump is loosely coupled to the indoor air for power transfer, the noise level varies with temperature. In a conventional air source heat pump, when the indoor temperature is low and the outdoor temperature is high, the heat pump has higher power consumption and greater noise level. In this case, it is obviously undesirable for people around to hear this noise from inside their homes. But in a daikin air source heat pump, although there are slight variations in sound level when operating at different temperatures, if there is no significant change in sound level for a certain period of time during operation at different temperatures, then it means that there is no spillover problem.

2.Condensate control

for a daikin air source heat pump, when condensate accumulates due to spillover, it will be automatically discharged by the automatic condensate pump. As a result, there is no accumulation of water in the outdoor unit which helps to avoid freezing in the outdoor unit. Thus, this type of heat pump is ideal for regions with freezing weather in winter. For example, California is presently facing a problem where some of its residential areas are experiencing frequent electricity power disruptions because of freezing in their outdoor units. Thus a heat pump that does not face this kind of problem can solve this issue and bring some relief to these people who are affected by frequent power disruptions.

3.High efficiency

in a commercial refrigeration plant, the most critical part of an air cooling machine is its efficiency. In order to increase the overall efficiency, such as in a refrigeration system, the energy consumption must be reduced to the minimum that is possible. One of the ways to reduce energy consumption is by adopting advanced technology which could help reduce power consumption. An air cooling machine that has better performance and higher efficiency can also be used in other applications or facilities, such as residential houses, office buildings and schools etc. because there is sufficient heat output at low ambient temperature.

4.Fewer moving parts

the outdoor unit of a daikin air source heat pump is designed to have a simpler and fewer number of moving parts than other air source heat pump types. This makes it economical to maintain and run whereas conventional air source heat pumps use a lot of different parts for their operation which give them more chances of having equipment failure.

5.Sophisticated software for control

for this type of heat pump, the PID (proportional integral differential) algorithm is used in the controller to provide high control accuracy. This sophisticated software has been designed with the latest technologies to give it maximum efficiency at all times during operation.